The Start of Our New Life…

So our baby boy, Boone Wilson Chapman, is now here.

For those of you wanting to know the details…here you go…

I woke up at 2 in the morning, Labor Day morning, to some mild contractions.  Since this is our first baby, I had no idea about what to expect.  I imagined that the contractions would be severe, but they really weren’t too bad.  I didn’t end up waking Scott up until 4:30 am and told him that I thought that I was in labor, but wasn’t sure.  So he went back to sleep while I continued to labor outside while eating popsicles and visiting with the neighbor’s dog, Squidget.  It was the start to a long day.

We then left our house at 5:45 am for our 1.5 hour drive to the hospital.  We put on a Citizen Cope song, Our Son’s gonna Rise, and headed away from camp.  The drive was uneventful and we arrived at the hospital to find out that I was in labor and was staying at the hospital.  So long story short, I ended up getting an epidural at noon (which both Scott and I were glad that I did) and then started pushing at 5:45 pm.  Boone was born at 8:35 pm, yes, that’s right…3 hours of pushing.  It was rough, but he finally came out!  (I wasn’t sure for awhile if he was ever going to come out!)  He was 5 days overdue and he weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.

Now we’re back home at Camp Eagle.  This is the start to our new life.  My mom has been here and for that I am thankful.  I am adjusting to being home, not working full time, getting minimal sleep and learning about how to comfort our baby when he is crying.  We’re blessed that Boone likes to sleep and will sleep about 3 hours at a time during the day or night.  We are lucky that he is good and that he got his good sleeping habits from his dad.

While in my womb, Boone went backpacking, climbing, swimming, running, camping, and hiking with us.  Since he’s been born, we’ve started out a little slower, but he has been down to the climbing wall a couple of times.  Scott and I have already talked about how old he needs to be in order to climb a big wall with us (don’t worry Grandparents, it will be a few years from now).

We know that our life is changing, but we are hoping that Boone will naturally become a part of the things we love to do and who we are.

So we’re happy, tired, emotional and excited for this change in our lives.  It’s been good and it’s amazing how much we already love our little Boone.

One thought on “The Start of Our New Life…

  1. Boone is adorable! Our babies were born one day apart. 🙂 I was wondering how the delivery went for you. I’m glad it went well despite three house of pushing- whoa! I’m glad to hear you’re doing well now, and that he is sleeping as much as possible at this point.

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